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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thank you in 26 languages!

I just want to say thank you, gracias, merci, danke shon, origato, xie xie, gratzie, gratias, mesi, dankie, tack, takk (twice), dank u, dankon, salamat po, efharisto, dik, mahalo, obrigado, doh jie, spasibo, shukran, shukria, danyavaad, asante, and toda to all my friends for helping me mark stuff off my 101 things list. By the way, I just marked off "learn to say thank you in 26 languages"! Gracias - Spanish Merci - French Danke Shon - German Origato - Japanese Xie Xie - Mandarin Gratzie - Italian Gratias - Latin Mesi - Haitian Creole Dankie - Afrikaans Tack - Swedish Takk - Norwegian and Icelandic Dank U - Dutch Dankon - Esperanto Salamat Po - Tagalog Efharisto - Greek Dik - Czech Mahalo - Hawaiian Obrigado - Portugeuse Doh Jie - Cantonese Spasibo - Russian Shukran - Arabic Shukria - Punjabi Dhanyavaad - Hindi Swahili - Asante Hebrew - Toda

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