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Saturday, February 15, 2014

KHOU Interview 2-15-14

This morning I was interviewed by the amazing Rehka Muddaraj with KHOU 11 News here in Houston. She worked on my interview for the Great Bull Run and was interested in my bucket list that I talked about, and contacted me to do a story about it. We met at a local park and I brought all 5 of my kids, my husband and my friend Kim along. It took awhile to set up, as it was extremely windy out, but we managed to find a great spot with good lighting and not too much wind noise. She asked me a lot of questions about my bucket list and my experiences, and I tried not to say "uhmmm you know, like, uhhhh" too much. She also interviewed all of my kids and asked them what it was like to have a mom who does such crazy things and to top it all off, we all ate baked tarantula on camera. I offered Rehka some, but she must've already eaten because she politely declined. After the interview was over, Rehka signed my bucket list book, took pictures with us and the camera man let me pretend to use his camera and I held the mic and posed as a reporter. So much fun! It would be GREAT if I am able to mark some more things off my bucket list and perhaps meet JJ Watt and Lily Jang, and maybe raise some money for my Over the Edge rappel because of this interview, but even if nothing comes from it, the experience alone was amazing. After the interview airs I will link to the story and video here for you to see in case you miss it.

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